Kenji Ushiro’s Sanchin Kata develops your breathing, helps you to take in Kiinto your body and mind, and creates a “unified-body.”This video shows detailed footage of “Kata”-the secret to Bujutsu Karatethat generates this energy, Ki, which is far more effective than musclestrength or sport-type timing.
This video consists of two parts: 1) the basic part including thedemonstration of Sanchin Kata with detailed explanation about the Kata byKenji Ushiro and the demonstration of Sanchin’s basic applications; and 2)the application part including free sparring applied from Sanchin Kata.
English Audio Only
85 minutes
US$65 / JPY6,000+Tax 【click here for purchase (Amazon)】
Kenji Ushiro’s Profile
Unchanging Truth, the Origin of Karate
Demonstration and Explanation of Sanchin Kata
Demonstration and Explanation of Basic Application
Validation of Kata and Ki
Applied application sparring; From Basic to Free Sparring
Conclusion; The purpose of Sanchin Kata