Review of "Ki — Realization of human potential energy"
Review of his DVD, “人間の潜在能力・気 第1巻
(Ki –Realization of human potential energy) “
Some of the facts that are proven in this DVD cannot beexplained with the laws of physics. However since these arefacts, these cannot and should not be denied. The onlyexplanation is the existence of Ki, a new source of energy.Traditionally, Japanese people had the wisdom to put themoving method of the body and the thinking in the form ofdiscipline, manners and of course martial arts so thatKi can run through you and become yours even without beingaware of it. Nowadays, these disciplines and manners arenot considered highly and as a result Japanese people arestarting to lose the power of Ki that they once had.I believe that through this DVD, people can recognize theimportance of Ki and also the fact that Ki is an universalpower that comes with human being. This is not only forJapanese people but for everybody no matter the age or sex.The footage from the DVD where a child can push and moveseveral grown up is the proof that everybody has Ki. Also,with this DVD, you can get a glimpse on the existence ofthe center and the speed of the inside, all of which arethe depth of the world of Ki that cannot be attained ina day.
I kept thinking about what is the power of Ki? Instead ofpower, I can call that interaction as well, one thingaffecting another. From the point of physics, as the sourceof power, there are 4 interactions that create this universe.Gravity and Electromagnetic Power that can be feltin the regular life, and in the smaller field of nucleus,powers that we call Strong Power and Weak Power.It is amazing that Ki affects gravity, one of the basicinteraction of the universe. In the DVD, you can see thatwhile the figure on the scales does not change, peoplewho are trying to bring up or pull feel the difference.My question is, as interaction, does Ki of a human beingaffect another being or inorganic substance at the placewhere interaction happens? Is Time the keyword that solvesthe mystery?
I believe the challenge of science is how to understand thisinteraction mechanism through physics. Can physics get theconcept as it is, or whether they should bring in anotherconcept. And while these meaning through science are important,another important thing is that this power of Ki exists ineverybody. For instance, being able to control or affect theplace by a simple gesture, such as a proper greeting, is verymeaningful.
How one can use this power effectively is based on each one’sunderstanding and realization. This DVD is the proof of thefact that everybody has Ki and serves as a trigger to see that.People have Ki as preset. This is the real potential. I believethat through this, everybody can have hope, courage and progress.
Understanding is an important role for human being. While watchingthis DVD can be an opportunity to understand, the understanding ofKi will be deeper if you can atually participate to the programsthat are shown here. In short, you can be certain of it when yourbody feels it. For a deeper comprehension and understanding,practicing with your own body is, not only the shortcut, but themost certain way. To use this DVD as an occasion, and by goingthrough the actual practice, people can get the sense of Ki intheir daily life and make that sense useful. This will be animportant process for each one of us. I am looking forward thesecond volume of the DVD.
(H. K Engineer Japan)
■ Clip of DVD, “人間の潜在能力・気 第1巻 (Ki –Realization of human potential energy) “ |
■ Clip of DVD, “Ushiro Krate Vol.3 ” |
★ Where to buy Karate and Ki and How to order on the Internet